As a pivotal component in offshore operations, the riser plays a vital role in connecting the seabed to the surface; while Oil States’ state-of-the-art riser technologies are designed to withstand the dynamic challenges of deep-sea environments.
Providing cost-effective, reliable, fast deployment with fast makeup, high-performance connection systems, and accelerated delivery schedules of riser components, complete riser packages are now also available.

Marine Drilling Risers

Oil States is a proven provider of riser components for deep water production, drilling and completion risers. In addition to diverter systems, riser joints, telescopic joints and FlexJoint™ connectors, all marine drilling risers contain high-pressure choke and kill lines, booster lines, hydraulic and glycol lines.
The Merlin™ Marine Riser System is also available with automated, hands-free makeup which dramatically cuts riser trip time and improves safety on the vessel.

High Pressure Drilling Risers

Oil States has been supplying high-pressure drilling risers designed for extreme conditions for over 30 years. The Merlin™ High Pressure Riser System not only provides fluid and pressure containment, but also structural and global integrity.
Currently having 50+ installations around the world, fully integrated high pressure riser systems are available in 5K, 10K and 15K applications.

MPD Riser Integration Joint

Oil States compact Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) Riser Integration Joint (RIJ) has been designed to improve safety and increase operational efficiency.
Oil States joint is around half the length and up to 1/3rd the weight of conventional RIJ's, making it easy to handle and fast to rig-up. Hands-free flow line and umbilical stabbing removes the need for man-riding.
Being fitted with twin retrievable stripper packers and bearing assembly, the joint is completely serviceable whilst over well center. Stripper packers are run and retrieved by drill pipe tool removing the need to pull the RIJ from the string or return to the onshore service center to replace annular seals.